Q: My ex-husband and I bought a house in 1995. We divorced in 1999, and pursuant to our divorce decree, he kept the house and I moved out. We both remarried in 2000. My new husband and I have a new mortgage on our home, after fighting to prove to the lender that my ex has the previous house.

I know my ex has changed something on his mortgage. He was making higher payments for a year after he fell behind a couple of months. I really don’t know the details because I no longer own the house.

Is there anything I can do to get my name removed from the mortgage so that my ex’s late mortgage payments do not affect my credit? I have excellent credit and have written to the credit bureaus, but his late payments keep showing up on my reports.

A. This is a common problem, largely caused by divorce lawyers who do not understand real estate and mortgage law.

As is often the case, you transferred ownership of the house to your former husband, but you remain legally obligated to make the mortgage payments.

That’s because when you and your ex-husband bought the house, you both signed two legal documents: a promissory note and a deed of trust.

The note is an IOU. The two of you — jointly and severally — agreed to make the monthly mortgage payments. "Jointly and severally" means that each of you is fully responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of the note. And one of the conditions is that you must make the payments on time every month or both of you will be in default.


Achtner said, "We must have the actual divorce decree and either get 12 months cancelled checks or a letter from the mortgage company that services the old mortgage."

However, it is often difficult to get that information from mortgage companies, because they often do not know who sends in the check. And with electronic and automatic payments, this becomes almost impossible.

Given that your divorce did not require that your ex-husband refinance the house, what should you do now?

First, because you are still on the mortgage, you have the right to know whether it is being paid on time. If you learn that your ex-husband is paying late or not at all, you should immediately write to all three major credit reporting bureaus. Explain that you are no longer the property owner, that your ex-husband is required to make the payments and that his lateness should not hurt your credit.

Second, if you want to refinance your current home or buy a different one, you should seek a lender that understands these situations and is willing to work with you.

However, as Achtner pointed out, if you can’t get the divorce decree and the documentation showing that the loan has become your ex’s responsibility, things become more complicated. "Then we do need to consider the old mortgage into the debt-to-income ratios, and that can make a substantial difference in terms of qualification," he said. Lenders will review each loan application on a case-by-case basis.

These are unnecessary complications that should be headed off in advance. Couples who are divorcing should address this issue during the process, instead of waiting until it is too late.

Benny L. Kass is a practicing attorney in Washington, D.C., and Maryland. No legal relationship is created by this column. Questions for this column can be submitted to benny@inman.com.


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