(This is Part 2 of a three-part series. Read Part 1, "Top questions to ask sellers at listing appointment," and Part 3, "‘It was never my intention to make you angry.’")

Are buyers really liars? Not usually — the challenge is you just haven’t asked them the right questions.

One of the biggest obstacles in converting leads into signed business is the agent’s inability to stay in question mode rather than tell mode. In other words, when agents pressure their clients to agree with them, they have fallen into the trap of having to be right. If you find yourself arguing with a client or trying to persuade him or her to agree with your position, stop immediately. To avoid this mess entirely, ask a question. Here are some examples:

1. What was your favorite house when you were a child and what did you love most about it?

Most agents ask buyers about bedroom-bath count, location and architectural style. If you really want to know what will motivate your buyer to purchase, forget what they tell you initially. Instead, ask about their favorite house from their childhood. This question works at several levels. First, when your client recalls something pleasant from the past, that pleasurable feeling is associated with you. Second, many people are unaware of the emotional triggers that cause them to purchase.

When asked about what they want as a buyer, they may say, "We want a one-story contemporary with great views." Instead, they end up buying a two-story brick traditional that reminds them of their grandmother’s house. By asking about their childhood, you will learn what their early anchors are. Pay special attention because these childhood influences can be powerful triggers for purchasing.

2. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?

5. How much longer do you want to continue paying your landlord’s mortgage?

This is a great question for first-time buyers. The Department of Commerce reports that between 1995 and 2004, the average renter accumulated a little over $4,000 in net worth. The average homeowner accumulated $184,400. That translates into $180,000 more, or $1,500 per month. In other words, each month that the average first-time buyer continues to rent, it costs them $1,500 in lost wealth accumulation. Furthermore, renters are subject to rent increases as well as higher tax rates because they cannot take a mortgage deduction. Pointing out the cost of waiting to purchase is one of the classic ways to persuade reluctant buyers to take action.

Need more tips on how to close more and defend less? Don’t miss Part 3.

Bernice Ross, national speaker and CEO of Realestatecoach.com, is the author of "Waging War on Real Estate’s Discounters" and "Who’s the Best Person to Sell My House?" Both are available online. She can be reached at bernice@realestatecoach.com or visit her blog at www.LuxuryClues.com.


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