Inspections are an important part of home buying, but the inspection process can be nerve-racking for both buyers and sellers. Both parties want the deal to go through without a hitch. However, sometimes problems surface that the buyers weren’t aware of when they entered into contract.

All houses have defects, even new ones. So it should come as no surprise when defects are discovered. The pertinent issues are: Is there a problem? How serious is the problem? How much will it cost to repair?

A home inspector may have a contractor’s license. But, few inspectors also are engineers, architects, and plumbing, heating, roofing, wood pest (termite) and drainage contractors. Nor are they pool, spa, sprinkler or security-alarm specialists. For this reason, most home inspection reports are loaded with disclaimers and recommendations to contact the appropriate specialist to evaluate the severity of a problem.

HOUSE HUNTING TIP: It’s highly recommended that buyers follow up with further inspections, and get estimates to repair defects that are a concern before removing an inspection contingency. An inspection contingency protects the buyers, but only if they carry through and complete necessary inspections.

Don’t be surprised if a second opinion confuses rather than clarifies an issue. For example, a home inspector might be concerned about the internal mechanics of an older furnace. And, he may not have the expertise necessary to say with confidence that there is no problem. So, he recommends that the buyers consult with a licensed heating contractor.

Just because an inspector suspects there might be a problem doesn’t mean that one exists. Several years ago, buyers of an older home in the Oakland Hills east of San Francisco were advised to have a heating contractor check the furnace because the home inspector thought it might need replacing for safety reasons. A furnace with a cracked heat exchanger leaks carbon monoxide fumes that can be deadly.

Dian Hymer is author of "House Hunting, The Take-Along Workbook for Home Buyers" and "Starting Out, The Complete Home Buyer’s Guide," Chronicle Books.


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