You have heard the complaint: "In our current home loan system, nobody worries about the risk because they pass it on to the next player in the chain. If everyone in the chain had skin in the game — something to lose if the loan goes bad — we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in now."

A long chain of risk transfers is certainly a feature of our housing finance system. In a typical scenario where loans end up as collateral for a mortgage security, a mortgage broker shifts the risk to a wholesale lender, who transfers it to an investment banker, who transfers it to multiple investors. The broker at the head of the chain usually knows the most about the risk, while the investor who ultimately bears the risk often knows the least.

Some knowledgeable observers have suggested that the government should enact the following rule: "Every player in the chain must have skin in the game." I think this is a bad idea.

Economists term situations where one party makes a decision for another, without having the same stake in the outcome of the decision, the "principal-agent problem." It is pervasive in our society. Principals protect themselves by establishing rules that their agents must follow and by control mechanisms designed to assure that the rules are being observed. Sometimes these mechanisms work, and sometimes they don’t.

At the top of the mortgage chain, skin in the game is one of the control mechanisms used by principals. Investors purchasing a mortgage security may require that the investment bank issuing the security retain a piece of it. The investment bank, in turn, will require that the lenders from whom it purchases loans agree to repurchase those loans that don’t meet the investment bank’s standards.

The rules and their enforcement became lax during the boom years, but now they are extremely stringent — wherever the market continues to function, that is. Even if government intrusion were warranted here, which I don’t believe is, the timing is terrible.

The only way to get skin in the game at the bottom of the financing chain where loans are originated is to revert to a primitive system, similar to those found in many less-developed countries. In such a system, lenders are either individuals or very small firms where the owner is CEO and makes all loan decisions. Every player in the chain has skin in this game, and the potential for boom and bust would be negligible. The trouble is, systems of this type typically offer one type of loan, high interest rates, short terms and large down payments.

The writer is professor of finance emeritus at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Comments and questions can be left at


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