George A. Downey, a longtime reverse-mortgage lender, walked into a seminar designed to help people explore creative financing alternatives in an attempt to avoid default and foreclosure.

"There were some older folks in the room, but nothing was ever offered about a reverse mortgage being a possibility," said Downey, founder of Braintree, Mass.-based Harbor Mortgage. "The numbers have to work, but if they do, it can be a godsend for them. The current mortgage is paid off; they keep the house; and they have no future payments. …"

According to the United States Bureau of the Census and the National Center for Health Statistics, the older population — persons 65 years of age and older — numbered 35 million in 2000. While the years since the last census have altered the numbers, it showed the over-65 group represented 12.4 percent of the population — about one in every eight Americans. The census data showed nearly 80 percent of the nation’s seniors own their own homes, and 73 percent are owned free and clear of any mortgages, amounting to nearly $1.9 trillion in home equity.

It’s the 27 percent that do not own their homes free and clear that could be at risk. Lenders are finding that some seniors have refinanced in recent years and now cannot afford the monthly payments due mostly to declining incomes in their retirement years. While that scenario also has been the path taken by younger borrowers, seniors at least have the option of considering a reverse instead of a "forward" mortgage.

Eric Bachman, CEO of Oakland, Calif.-based Golden Gateway Financial, a reverse-mortgage brokerage focusing on online customers, recently helped a senior in Kansas "reverse a foreclosure."

"I think many people look at the reverse mortgage as a way of actually receiving payments, but some of them are only trying to get their current home debt off their back," Bachman said. "The lender in the Kansas case saw that it would be accruing costs from the foreclosure process and was willing to take less than was owed on the mortgage to make the reverse mortgage deal happen in a timely manner."

When the parents die or transfer title to their children later in their lives, the kids could sell the property and pay off the reverse mortgage with the proceeds, or refinance the property and continue the second-home use. When a child reaches the age of 62, the child would become eligible to take out another reverse mortgage on the vacation home.

Reverse mortgages do not require a credit report or income qualification required. The only critical requirements are age and significant equity in the home. With the recent reverse-mortgage programs for second homes, it’s now possible for a homeowner to have two reverse mortgages at the same time — one on the primary home and one on the second home — thereby having two sources of tax-free income.

If the second home or primary residence plummets in value, owners would see their equity evaporate even faster by using a reverse mortgage. That’s because the amount spent, plus interest, would further reduce any loss in market value. While reverse-mortgage costs and distributions can be "washed" in appreciating markets, they can quickly erode the bottom line in a down market.


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