Online classified and community site craigslist is just a "messenger" and is not liable for discriminatory ads posted on the site by its users, a three-judge panel for the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals concluded in a ruling released Friday.

The judges upheld a November 2006 ruling by a U.S. District Court, which found that craigslist is considered an "interactive computer service" under federal law, and is not a publisher.

In February 2006, the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sued craigslist for a series of rental housing ads containing discriminatory language that appeared on the site.

The lawyers’ group, a nonprofit entity that advocates for affordable housing and fair-housing law compliance, found examples of discriminatory language posted at the site during 2005 such as, "no minorities," "no children," and "clean, godly Christian male."

At issue in the lawsuit and appeal was whether the U.S. Communications Decency Act, passed in 1996, offers protections for online companies like craigslist when users post illegal content.

Stephen D. Libowsky, who represented the Chicago lawyers’ group, had argued in a hearing last month that Congress did not intend to "totally immunize Internet service providers" for offensive content and that Congress intended "to encourage and incentivize Internet service providers to block and screen offensive material" when it passed the Communications Decency Act.

Craigslist, meanwhile, had argued that provisions in that act provide "broad immunity from liability for unlawful third-party content."

Libowsky said Friday that it’s too early to know whether the lawyers’ committee will ask all of the judges in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider the decision by the three-judge panel.

"We are working our way through the various parts of the decision to see where, if anywhere, we go from here," he said, adding that the committee is "very pleased" that the panel rejected craigslist’s "blanket immunity" position in the case.

The decision also makes it clear that people who post discriminatory ads on such online sites "can’t run and hide behind some Web site," and the opinion gives support for sites to give up information about users who post discriminatory ads, "whether they do it voluntarily or through court order."

He also noted that craigslist had made certain changes related to housing posts at the site in an effort to thwart discriminatory postings, whether the threat of the lawyers’ group’s lawsuit or the actual lawsuit prompted those changes.

It remains to be seen, he also said, whether other sites will choose to take steps to discourage discriminatory ads.


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