Question: I am a tenant, and the owner of my apartment complex recently sent notification to the residents that we are required to have $100,000 renter’s insurance coverage in case of damage to the apartment as a condition of our lease. We are also required to include the apartment complex as an additional insured and a vested party for reimbursement should there be any damages.

If we don’t follow through, we are told that we will be in violation of the lease. I live in a one-bedroom apartment and currently have insurance coverage for far less than the amount that they are requiring, and it does not include reimbursing the apartment complex for any damages.

Is what they are doing legal? Can they force me to get extra coverage that I don’t need that also includes reimbursing them as well? I was told that they should have their own insurance to cover loss.

Property manager Griswold replies:

Yes, I believe that they can make renter’s insurance a requirement of your lease as long as they are consistent and apply their policy to all tenants. From the landlord’s point of view, the issue isn’t whether you have possessions that need $100,000 in insurance coverage but that you or your guests could create a situation in which major damage occurs — fire, flood, etc. That is the reason they are setting the minimum amount at $100,000 and insisting that the apartment ownership entity be named as additional insureds under your renter’s insurance policy.

The apartment complex likely has its own insurance coverage that has much higher levels of coverage for all types of losses. Their policy could have a requirement that states that all tenants must have renter’s insurance. Note that the owner’s insurance policy will generally not provide you with an insurance protection for loss or damage to your personal property unless it is due to some negligence on the part of the owner. The renter’s insurance and the owner’s insurance work together to provide more thorough coverage, and I would suggest you contact your insurance agent and seek to increase the policy limits to $100,000.

Generally, it has been my experience that if you currently have a renter’s insurance policy, the increased premium to raise the policy limits to $100,000 should not be that significant on an annual basis. And hopefully you are right that this is coverage you never need, but that is always true with insurance — you hope you never need it but the peace of mind of having the coverage is worth a lot.

Questions should be brief and cannot be answered individually.

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