All of us are concerned about our energy bills and are looking for ways to save money, especially during the cold winter months. One of the best places you can start is by having an energy audit done on your home. Energy audits analyze all of the areas of your home where you might be wasting energy — and, obviously, your hard-earned dollars — and provide solutions both large and small.

During the course of an energy audit, the auditors will make a site visit to your home and conduct a very thorough inspection of a number of different areas. They take measurements of everything from square footage to window sizes, all of which goes into determining the amount of heat your home is losing. In warmer climates, the same process is used to calculate ways to save on cooling costs.


Typically, the first area of concern for the auditors is insulation levels. They will make a thorough inspection of your attic first, measuring the depth and type of the insulation, its general condition, and how well the insulation covers the attic floor and prevents cold spots. Since moisture and safety in the attic is a big concern, they will also look to see that exhaust fans are properly vented to the outside, and that insulation is properly shielded from anything that produces heat. To ensure proper ventilation, the number and size of vents in the attic will be calculated, and they’ll check that soffit vents are not covered. The same inspection will be made in the crawlspace and any basement areas as well.

Wall insulation levels will also be determined to the best of the auditor’s ability. This includes probing to determine the type and amount of wall insulation, as well as checking exposed areas such as attic knee walls and skylight shafts.


Of particular interest is the duct system. Auditors will check in both the attic and the crawlspace to see what type of ducts are present, and their general condition. They will look for leaks at the joints, ducts that are unsupported or damaged, and the level of sealing and insulation throughout the system.

Also part of this phase of the audit is the type of thermostat you have. They will look to see the general quality of the thermostat, how accurate it is, and what types of settings are available to the homeowner.


These and a number of other findings, including things like the type of lighting in the home and the type of water-heating equipment being used, are all entered into a computer program, which helps the auditor isolate where the biggest potential energy savings are. From there, a set of recommendations are prepared on everything from insulation and ventilation to sealing and maintenance work. Some audits will also include information on what the potential payback of the more costly recommendations might be.

If you’re interested in having an energy audit done, start by contacting the utility company that provides the fuel for your primary heating source. Some utility companies have auditors on staff, or else they can direct you to reputable local companies who do audits.

Remodeling and repair questions? E-mail Paul at

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