Genius Products Inc. signed a 40,520-square-foot lease agreement with Maguire Properties Inc. to consolidate and expand the offices of its growing home-entertainment distribution company at 3301 Exposition Blvd. in Santa Monica, Calif.

Trevor Belden, a principal in the Sherman Oaks office of Lee & Associates-LA North/Ventura, a full-service commercial real estate company and member of the Lee & Associates group of companies, represented Genius Products in the 10-year deal for a full floor in the newest addition to the 12-acre Lantana Entertainment Media Campus.

Genius will be the first tenant to occupy Lantana South, which was entitled by the city of Santa Monica specifically for media and entertainment uses. Occupancy is slated for July 2008.

Genius Products LLC has been occupying about 17,000 square feet of office space elsewhere in Santa Monica and another 10,000 square feet of temporary space in another building on the Lantana campus.

Genius Products, Inc., along with The Weinstein Company Holdings LLC, together own Genius Products LLC, an independent home-entertainment distribution company.

The Lantana Entertainment Media Campus is a 12-acre office campus comprised of three low-rise office and studio production office buildings totaling 331,926 square feet. Current tenants include Revolution Studios, IMAX and Todd-AO studios. Located in the Westside submarket of Los Angeles, the campus features private patios, extensive open spaces and attractive amenities. The property was purchased in December 2007 by Maguire Properties from Hines U.S. Office Development Fund for $138 million.

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