National Association of Home Builders officials on Tuesday announced plans to freeze all contributions from the group’s political action committee to federal congressional candidates for a perceived failure to address “underlying economic issues” to stabilize the housing market.

The announcement came less than an hour after a separate NAHB announcement that praised the Bush administration for an agreement by six major lenders, called Project Lifeline, to stall foreclosure proceedings for some borrowers and pursue workout plans.

“This extraordinary action was taken,” NAHB President Brian Catalde said in a statement, “because the NAHB BUILD-PAC Board of Trustees felt that over the past six months Congress and the administration have not adequately addressed the underlying economic issues that would help to stabilize the housing sector and keep the economy moving forward.”

According to, a Web site operated by The Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan and nonprofit research group, NAHB’s PAC had total receipts of $2.04 million so far in the 2008 election cycle as of Feb. 8, according to U.S. Federal Election Commission data.

The Web site also reported total expenditures of $1.5 million and ending cash on hand totaling $1.37 million as of Feb. 8.

NAHB’s PAC has already issued $865,800 to federal candidates in the 2008 election cycle as of Feb. 8, with 45 percent of the money going to Democrats and 55 percent to Republicans.

And according to FEC data reported at the OpenSecrets site, the PAC has already given $364,000 to Democratic House candidates, $391,500 to Republican House candidates, $28,300 to Democratic Senate candidates and $82,000 to Republican Senate candidates as of Jan. 7, 2008.

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