Q: We need some help selecting a heating and cooling system for a 3,000-square-foot house we’re going to have built. Our area has lots of cold, sunny winters, and natural gas is not available. We’re primarily considering a heat pump powered by either electricity, propane (we’re worried about high fuel costs) or geothermal (we’re worried about rocky soil). We were also wondering about solar heating. Keep up the great column! –Laurie L.

A: Propane costs can fluctuate up and down in much the same way gasoline prices do, so I don’t see a lot of houses heated solely with propane, especially of the size you’re going to build. Geothermal heat pumps are also pretty rare in areas that have rocky soil — the high cost of the initial installation makes it difficult for the energy savings to pencil out against the initial cost.

Given those options, and since you are looking for a cooling system as well as a heating system, an electric heat pump is probably going to work out best for you. Be aware, though, that in areas where average winter temperatures are relatively cold, the heat pump will still rely on its backup electric strip heaters in much the same way a standard electric furnace does, so the energy savings may not be as dramatic as they would be in a milder climate.

Your HVAC contractor or your utility company can do an energy audit of your plans for you, and give you a pretty accurate estimate of annual fuel costs. Once you know the exact layout of the house and all of the energy-related details, they can work out comparisons for you that will show you how much the house would cost to heat with propane as opposed to electricity. Compare that to the initial cost of the heating system, and you can quickly see how long the energy-savings payback is for any given system.

In a house the size of yours, you might also want to consider some supplemental heat in the rooms you use most often, in order to lessen the use of the heat pump somewhat. Propane or oil works well to fuel freestanding supplemental fireplaces or heaters in specific areas such as the living or family room.

Remodeling and repair questions? E-mail Paul at paul2887@ykwc.net.

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