There is no foolproof strategy for buying a property at just the right price. There are several reasons for this. In the first place, although the listing inventory is high in most places, sellers are not equally motivated to sell.

There are sellers who would like to sell, but who don’t have to sell. If they don’t get their price, they either stay put or rent out the property until the market turns. Sellers who don’t need to sell are often resistant to negotiating the price.

Motivated sellers, on the other hand, need to sell. They could be transferred by their employer and have to relocate quickly. Or, they might be facing financial hardship. Or, perhaps they have already bought another home. These sellers have a deadline to meet. They are usually open to considering all offers.

Another factor that will affect what price you decide to offer is the condition of the local real estate market. National, statewide and even regional home-sale trends may not apply to your neighborhood. For instance, in Alameda County (home to Oakland, Calif.) the median home price was down 2.2 percent between November 2006 and November 2007. However, just across the bay in San Francisco County, the median price jumped 6.9 percent during the period, according to DataQuick Information Systems.

HOUSE HUNTING TIP: Before making a decision on how much to offer initially, investigate your local housing market. Find out as much as possible about the most recent sales in your target neighborhood.

Did homes similar to one you’d like to buy sell for close to the list price? Or, did they sell for much less, or maybe even for more than the seller asked? Do you have a lot of inventory to choose from, or is the kind of house you’re looking for in short supply? Your real estate agent can help you collect this information.

Look at sales information for the past six months to determine if prices are rising, steady or declining. If prices are dropping, a low initial offer price is warranted. Where prices are holding or rising, you may have less opportunity to buy at a discounted price.

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