I don’t sell mobile homes, but I could if I wanted to.

That’s one of the many takeaways from my 22.5 hours of continuing education, required by New York State every two years to renew my real estate agent’s license. I was initially licensed in New Jersey, where standards are rigorous, so my first training in New York felt laughably easy.

Now, two years later, it feels laughably irrelevant.

I could have predicted this years ago, when I was a journalist and was brought in to lecture at a real estate CE course. I sat at my computer and wrote stories about new developments all day long — if I was an expert who could lecture to established pros, how seriously was anyone taking this?

But at least my telling those students how real estate journalism works and how to pitch features on their listings had some bearing on what they were doing. I opted to do my CE online, and I’m now going through the state basket of courses, which were clearly put together in an attempt to provide something for everybody. So I learn what stickers a mobile home needs to have in order to be saleable, and how to check its footing, and whether or not the tow bar is included in the measurement (it isn’t). Since I sell million-dollar condominiums, all this great information is not of much use to me.

Knowledge and training that would be practical, like how to get a party to hurry up and sign a contract, isn’t here, although I have high hopes for a course in the basket called “How to Manage Multiple Offers.” Fair Housing training is now mandatory in New York, and I love that stuff, so that will be three hours that entertains me, too.

Still, 22.5 hours seems like a lot when you’re a procrastinator like I am and are then faced with trying to get through a lot of it in one quick shot. I know now what my attorney friends (who have their own re-certifications to deal with) are complaining about.

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