Finding the right house to buy is rarely easy. Negotiating the right price and terms can be even harder. The best deals are made between buyers and sellers who are motivated. Commitment is critical.

You can waste a lot of time and energy with a seller who’s not motivated to sell at market value. Imagine this scenario: You decide to make an offer on a house you love. To make sure it’s accepted, you offer the asking price. You expect the seller to embrace you with open arms. But, he doesn’t. In fact, he’s disappointed because he really wants to sell for quite a bit more than he’s asking.

Last year, sellers obtained multiple offers and high selling prices–the result of years of healthy home-price appreciation. This year is different. In most areas prices aren’t dropping. But they aren’t rising at nearly last year’s pace. Unfortunately, some sellers are still pricing their homes for last year’s market.

HOUSE HUNTING TIP: How can you keep from wasting your time on an unrealistic seller? Find out why the sellers are selling. Motivated sellers are prepared to sell at market value, whatever that might be. They are sellers who have a pressing need to sell, as opposed to sellers who merely want to sell if the conditions are right.

Sellers who have been transferred or who have already bought another home are usually motivated. So are homeowners who have experienced a change of life that requires the property be sold, such as a divorce or death in the family.

However, beware if the seller is selling because he’d like to move, but he’s in no hurry. Or, he’ll sell only if he can get a certain price. Another less-than-motivated seller is one who’ll sell if he can find the right house to buy. You could wait for forever for the seller to find his dream house. If there’s no urgency to sell, the seller isn’t motivated. You’re looking for a seller who will sell, not one who may sell.

The list price can be an indicator of the seller’s motivation. If the house has been listed for several months without a price reduction, this could indicate a less-than-motivated seller, depending on the marketplace.

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