
Deadline for real estate journalism contest nears

The deadline to enter the National Association of Real Estate Editors Journalism Awards Program is fast approaching. The competition, open to all press covering real estate and home and design, has recognized excellence in reporting, writing and editing since 1949.

The deadline to enter is Feb. 5, 2006.

Both individual awards, team honors, and awards for best publications have included coverage spanning topics from affordable housing, real estate lending or finance, and the business of real estate, to news and trend analysis on government housing policy, the environment, urban growth, land use investments, construction, architecture and design.

The NAREE competition offers a total of $6,500 in cash awards including:

  • Best overall entry by an individual — $1,250 cash award:

    Chosen from first place winners in categories 1-12, the overall winner will receive a $1,000 cash award plus $250 for winning one of the 11 individual categories.

  • James D. Carper Award for best entry by a young journalist — $250 cash award, plus other winnings if applicable. To be eligible, work must be created by individuals 30 years or younger as of Dec. 31, 2005, and entered in one of the 12 individual categories by Feb. 5, 2006. This winner will receive a $250 cash award, and is also eligible to win the category and the overall individual award if so chosen by the judges.

In total, the NAREE competition offers 12 categories for individually bylined work, and 10 categories for teams of journalists. $250 cash awards are offered for each first place category winner. First- and second-place winners will also receive award certificates.

Winners will be notified by mid-March and invited to attend the awards ceremony at NAREE’s annual Journalism Conference “High Points of Real Estate and Home Design” April 26-29, 2006 in Charlotte, N.C.

For more information on the NAREE journalism competition and this outstanding, news-packed conference go to The full list of contest categories, judging criteria and a contest entry form is online.


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