
Natural disaster report for real estate available nationwide

Fidelity National Financial’s LSI Market Intelligence division is now offering a Natural Disaster Condition Report to real estate lenders nationwide, the company said today.

The inspection report is compiled using the company’s national network of nearly 30,000 real estate professionals, and includes detailed information regarding the condition of a specified property in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

For lenders with transactions pending mortgage funding in an area affected by a natural disaster, report helps them determine the existence and exterior condition of subject properties. Exterior structure features inspected for this report often include roof, siding, structural stability, garage, doors, windows and more.

In addition to stating whether damage to specific exterior features has occurred, the report provides percentage ranges that indicate the degree of that damage and a photograph to support those findings.

The Natural Disaster Condition Report was created as a result of client requests to have a tool that would enable them to make informed decisions prior to distributing mortgage funding for potentially damaged properties. Previously, this report was only available to the clients involved in the initial requests for the solution.

The report previously was introduced on a small scale and now is available nationwide.

Fidelity National Financial provides products and outsourced services to financial institutions and the real estate industry. Fidelity also is one of the nation’s largest title insurance companies.


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