The National Public Records Research Association and the Real Estate Information Professionals Association will host their fourth joint conference, April 13-16, at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort in San Diego.
The conference, themed “Reaching New Horizons Coast to Coast,” will include dual educational tracks to meet the specific needs of both groups.
Attendees will learn about the latest technology and industry trends as they relate to information professionals, as well as broaden their scope of knowledge regarding public records research. The event also offers nightly opportunities to network and socialize with colleagues.
Lorna Riley, one of the elite sales and productivity speakers in the country, will present the keynote address on Friday, April 15, at 10:30 a.m.
NPRRA’s educational sessions include: “Family Feud Comes to NPRRA,” “Introduction to Real Estate Searching,” “Entity Rationalization and the Service Company: What Does It Mean and How Does it Affect Me?” (presented by William H. Clark Jr. Esq., partner at Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP, co-chair ABA Ad Hoc Committee on Entity Rationalization) and “International Corporate Vehicle.” This year’s roundtable discussion will be titled “Issues Facing Public Record Retrievers.”
REIPA’s educational sessions will include: “Keeping Public Records Public,” “Competing Against Free,” “Updates on Collateral Assessment Technology & Practices,” “MLS and Public Records,” “Best Practices in AVM Use, Standards & Testing” and an industry technology update.
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