
What did you get from your real estate agent for Xmas?

The stores are filled with last minutes shoppers here in LA and I’m sure that if statistics of web purchases were tracked by zip codes, the LA neighborhoods would lead the national pack in dollars of purchases bought via the internet by the looks of all the UPS, US Mail and Fed Ex trucks making multiple stops on my street.  And frankly, given the traffic in our fair city, it’s really the only way to shop.


I keep looking for a card or a package from our local real estate agent. The one who is always trying to get the listings in our “farm”.  The ones who really want to sell our home and who have hounded us throughout the year for our listing.  But there are none.


Are the Christmas holidays a bad time for real estate agents to market their services? Isn’t a tasteful card or small acknowledgement to a local client a good marketing tool? A postcard advertising a new listing with the tag line “Coming in January”?


“I know that our agent has discouraged us from listing this time of year,” a friend says who is thinking about selling. “He says the market is dead this time of year.”


“But there are still active listings being changed to a