
Fidelity launches point-of-sale platform for home equity market

Chicago Title Insurance Co., a subsidiary of Fidelity National Financial, today announced that its LSI division has launched the home equity component of its eLenderSolutions point-of-sale, Web-based title insurance platform.

Designed to expedite home equity closings, the system leverages data, technology and LSI’s recently developed Home Equity Loan Policy to provide lenders with loan closing, ancillary product and insurance offerings needed for same-day home equity closings.

This point-of-sale tool instantaneously delivers recordable property vesting information, tax and assessment information and legal descriptions nationally. The system also provides point-of-sale quotes on an individual product or bundled fee basis for the HELP policy, property reports, credit reports, flood certifications, valuation products, mortgage tax and recording services. An instant messaging feature is included, and the platform returns all products electronically.

Fidelity National Financial provides products and outsourced services and solutions to financial institutions and the real estate industry,


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