
HomeBanc appoints chief financial officer

HomeBanc Corp. today announced the company’s president and CEO will also serve as the newly public company’s acting chief financial officer.

Kevin Race will take on the post Sept. 1. Atlanta-based HomeBanc had previously announced that Steven McClellan, the company’s current chief financial officer, had resigned effective Aug. 31. McClellan will remain with HomeBanc as a consultant through Dec. 31 to help with the transition.

Before joining HomeBanc in 2002, Race served as president and chief financial officer of HomeSide Lending, a mortgage servicing company in Jacksonville, Fla. He also has worked as president and chief financial officer of Fleet Mortgage Group, another mortgage servicing company.

HomeBanc Corp. is the parent company of HomeBanc Mortgage Corp. In July, the company completed the initial public offering of its common stock.


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