
Clark Building takes on tenants

CarrAmerica Realty Corp. and Clark Enterprises Inc. announced more than 135,000 square feet in new and renewal leases at The Clark Building in Bethesda, Md.

CarrAmerica’s affiliate provides leasing and property management services to the building’s owner, Clark Enterprises Inc., which provides asset management services. Both companies worked in concert with The Clark Construction Group Inc. in managing the building’s recent renovations.

Tenants who renewed or inked new lease agreements included AERAS Global TB Vaccine Foundation; CDM Group Inc.; Catapult Technologies Inc.; Fairfield Residential; Johnson Lambert and Company; LexisNexis; Morgan Stanley; and National Opinion Research Center.

With 300,107 square feet on 16 floors, The Clark Building rises prominently at the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and Old Georgetown Road and sits adjacent to the Bethesda station on the Metro redline. Included in the recent full-scale renovation was a dramatically refurbished lobby in limestone, marble and granite; a state-of-the-art conference center/lecture hall, training rooms and a meeting room and a top-floor, fully equipped fitness center with weight room, racquetball court, aerobics room, cardio room, jacuzzi and locker rooms.

CarrAmerica owns, develops and operates office properties in 13 markets throughout the United States.

Bethesda-based Clark Enterprises Inc. is a diversified investment company.


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