
Real estate: The week ahead


  • The National Low Income Housing Council will host its Annual Housing Policy Conference, April 26-27 in Washington, D.C. The meeting will explore national housing policy in 2004, housing in the elections, the latest in polling and public opinion research, the National Housing Trust Fund, and other current housing issues.


  • The International Association of Privacy Professionals will hold an audio conference, “The Cost of Privacy Safeguards,” on April 29. Speakers will discuss how much companies spend to comply with privacy and data protection regulations.


  • The Mortgage Bankers Association’s Legal Issues and Regulatory Compliance Conference is slated for April 27-30 in Coronado, Calif. The event features presentations on regulatory compliance issues and offers comprehensive coverage of breaking legal and judicial developments in mortgage lending.


  • The National Association of Home Builders’ National Legislative Conference is slated for April 28 in Washington, D.C. The conference is concurrent with NAHB’s board of directors meeting. Priority issues at this year’s meeting include GSE Reform, the Home Ownership Tax Credit, association health plans and the FHA Zero Downpayment Program.


  • The Institute for International Research will host the Real Estate Investment Forum for High Net Worth Investors, April 26-27 in Chicago. Attendees will learn strategies and techniques to profit from a maturing real estate market.


  • The Historic Tax Credit Conference, organized by Novogradic & Co. and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, will take place April 26-28 in Washington, D.C. The conference brings together developers, lenders, investors and national and state historic preservation officials to discuss topics such as components of a successful historic property makeover, ways to finance these projects, legal and tax issues of the historic tax credit, case studies and the challenges and rewards of doing a small historic tax credit deal.


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