
‘Never pack a dead snail’

Martin Nisenholtz will speak at Real Estate Connect July 28-30 in San Francisco.

Martin Nisenholtz doesn’t have any nicknames or New Year’s resolutions, but he has an abundance e-mail addresses–so many indeed that he’s lost count of all of them.

The CEO of New York Times Digital was named to his current position in June 1999 after a four-year stint as president of The New York Times Electronic Media Co. In that position, he was responsible for the development and delivery of electronic products centered around the content of the newspaper. In October 1998, he was given the additional corporate responsibility of leading new media activities.

Prior to joining The Times, he was director of content strategy for Ameritech Corp, where he was responsible for guiding development of new video programming opportunities and interactive information and advertising services.

Here’s an Inman News-style look at the man himself:

IN: Which daily newspaper do you read and which section of the newspaper do you read first?

MN: I read The New York Times “BizDay” section first.

IN: What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever packed in a suitcase?

MN: A dead snail. I thought it was an empty shell, but when I got home I had to throw out the entire contents of the suitcase and the suitcase. Never pack a dead snail.

IN: What kind of music do you listen to?

MN: I listen to all kinds of music–classical, blues, bluegrass, hip-hop, jazz, rock. I like the variety. I don’t listen to show tunes.

IN: What style of home do you live in and when did you buy it?

MN: Colonial style house purchased in 1995

IN: Where did you spend your last vacation?

MN: Sanibel Island, Fla.

IN: What professional accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

MN: Successfully installing a home WiFi network

IN: What personal accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

MN: Successfully installing a home WiFi network

IN: How many e-mail addresses do you have?

I’ve stopped counting.

IN: What worries keep you awake at night?

MN: Not being able to sleep

IN: What lesson did you learn in the last year?

MN: Don’t put a bag of food on the hood of your car even for a moment if you have a 100-pound Lab. He’ll eat the food and scratch your car.

IN: What’s your favorite technology device or software application?

MN: My TiVo

IN: What is your opinion of Inman News?

MN: Second best news source on the planet

IN: What was the best gift you ever received from or gave to someone else?

Drawing from my two girls

IN: Are you a morning person or a night owl?


IN: What is your worst vice or bad habit?

Road rage


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