• Emulating practices prospective employers have utilized for years, some sellers are now performing extensive online searches for buyers submitting offers for their property. Buyers should be aware.

When sellers get multiple offers on their home, my practice is to email every offer to the seller as it comes in, and then I prepare a multiple offer spreadsheet so that they can compare offers side-by-side. I recently met with sellers to go over multiple offers and came to a new realization: sellers are doing their homework on a whole other level.

As we met to discuss the spreadsheet and choose a winner, it became apparent that they were not only deliberating the offers, but they were also discussing each prospective buyer as well. In great detail, in fact. Puzzled, I asked how they know so much about each buyer.

“That’s easy,” they said. “We checked out each one online as the offers came in.”

With an extreme shortage of inventory plaguing many housing markets, some sellers are looking to the internet to increase their control over exactly who will purchase their home.

Confronted with similar multiple offers, sellers want more than just an awesome price and great terms.

“If more than one of these offers meets our goals,” they reason, “Then we are going to select the winning buyer based not on the terms, but on who we want living in our property after we leave.”

More information, better choice

The practice of vetting buyers is certainly not new. Sellers frequently voice their preferences for the type of buyers they want to purchase their home.


Information is not hard to find. As an example, Lifehacker.com has a post by Adam Dachis entitled “How to Use the Internet to Investigate Your Next Date, Coworker, or New Friend (Without Being Creepy).” Some sellers are even upping the ante by paying for information on sites like Truthfinder.com.

Disturbing? Get over it. It’s the new reality. This genie is out of the bottle and will not be returning any time soon.

It is a modern twist on caveat emptor, “buyer beware.” It has become a two-way street: in addition to buyers carefully examining a home they wish to purchase, sellers are now thoroughly investigating them.

What can buyers do?

Savvy buyers should do some pre-emptive work of their own by searching for themselves online to ensure there is nothing that might give sellers a negative impression.

Love hosting noisy parties at all hours? Your online pictures of beer bashes might resonate with your friends but could spell doom for that offer on a nice house in a quiet cul-de-sac.

My sellers ultimately chose the second highest offer.

“We don’t want you to do a multiple counter offer,” they explained. Pointing to the offer they had selected, they said, “We are OK with this price, and based on all the research we’ve done, this buyer most closely resonates with our values. Contact his agent, and have him tell his buyer, ‘Welcome home.’”

Carl Medford is the CEO of The Medford Team. Follow him on Twitter.

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