With today’s competition to win real estate clients growing fiercer, agents might want to steal a page from the popular AMC TV series “Mad Men” for turning prospects into clients. How did those marketing pioneers score clients from their Madison Avenue rivals?

Through creative, vivid visuals that tell a story, capture their prospects’ attention and emotions, and motivate them to act.

Unfortunately, real estate marketing tools in use today — printed brochures, paper folders and sell sheets — would fit right in with Don Draper’s late 1960s era.

Remember, a home is the most expensive asset your prospect will ever sell. So today, agents need to use a high-tech approach: high-definition and mobile tools, stunning visuals and video that wow prospective clients.

Social media marketing

Real estate sales have always been about networking to bring in referrals; social media puts networking on steroids. And the stunning visual component is what’s eye-catching to networkers — especially on Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat.

The use of sharp, crisp photographs will help you get noticed and will help spread favorable word of mouth. Social media networks are powerful channels for agents who know how to use them.

Take Pinterest, for example: A recent survey showed over 80 percent of active female Pinterest users trusted the site for information and advice — more than Twitter and Facebook. Also, nearly half of women social networkers said Pinterest influenced a purchase decision.

And, of course, your personal story begins with delivering a great personal website. Hire a Web designer who has the experience to create a professional feel and who can translate that into a responsive mobile-ready Web design.

When pitching a prospect, be strategic by being selective with the number of photographs that you show to clients. Prioritize areas buyers care about most: kitchen; living room; master bedroom and bath; landscaping; and home theaters.

And you can ease clients’ worries about photographing their home on a cloudy day. There’s no need to wait for sunshine when image enhancements can turn gray skies to blue and brown grass to green. Ask your professional photographer to provide you with a before-and-after link to a photograph that demonstrates the wow effect of enhanced images.

It’s now easier than ever to show new clients you’re a marketing maven who can sell their home faster and at the best price. Deploying a high-tech portfolio with stunning visuals will help you close the deal, get the listing and boost referrals to keep prospects coming through your door.

Brian Balduf has been actively involved in marketing, technology and media for over 30 years. He has built VHT Studios into the largest real estate photography, video and multimedia company in the country. A frequent speaker at industry events, Brian received his B.S. in marketing from U of I Chicago and an MBA and master’s in information systems from Benedictine University.

Email Brian Balduf.

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