Imagine you’re browsing listing photos online. The living room of a house you’re interested in looks spacious enough, but its beige walls and worn-out couch make the place look depressing.

You wonder, for a moment, what the space might look like if you spruced it up a bit by adding a widescreen TV, wrap-around couch, ottoman and plaid wallpaper.

Then, you move on to the next listing.


The tool works by rendering listing photos into 3-D environments onto which users may superimpose colors and objects. Users can toss a table into a dining room, adjust its size and spin it around.

ERA’s implementation of HomeSnazzer iterates on existing virtual staging tools in two ways, according to Goldman.

First, it automates what used to a labor-intensive process, he said. Whereas legacy tools might have required users to pick out elements of a photo to manipulate, ERA’s tool automatically identifies potential canvases like a kitchen countertop, facade or front yard.

Second, the tool can be easily accessed on listing pages. That allows consumers to use it without relying on an app or someone else to make adjustments to photos for them.

“An agent doesn’t have to do anything,” Goldman said. “They just pick the photos they want to use and the rest happens for them.”

ERA’s tool serves up 25,000 options of decorative elements, including wall colors, countertops, exterior designs, landscaping treatments and trim elements that the franchisor sources from partners.

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