Founding CTO of and serial entrepreneur Frederick Townes’ agency, W3 EDGE, was an early investor in Placester Inc.

Townes’ passion for product, Internet marketing and user experience drive innovation at Placester. Townes will be on stage at Real Estate Connect San Francisco to share how to create meaningful user experiences online and on mobile devices.

Townes and panelists Michele Serro and Amber Feng will share their deep product experience with you, to help you create user experiences that stand out from the crowd.

In our interview Townes discusses the emerging trends of “sourcing as a service” and predictive search as two key advances to keep an eye on in the coming months.

Inman: What’s the most disruptive force changing the economy and consumer behavior and why?

FT: The convergence of social, mobile, cloud and user-generated information.

Inman: Every day there are more services described as “Uber for X.” Do you think this trend will continue? If so, what’s next? If no, why not?

FT: The notion of “sourcing as a service” as an on-demand product for consumers is definitely not going away. The same technology that provides intuitive and crisp user experiences is achieving economies of scale in industries that have desperately needed technological disruption on both the supply and demand sides.

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